You Can not Download and Play WPT Poker Global in below Countries and Regions

WPT Global Poker is accessible to players in over 100 countries, but there are specific restrictions based on local regulations. Why You Can not Download and Play WPT Poker Global in below Countries and Regions

Countries Where WPT Global is Accessible

Players can register and download WPT Global from the following regions:

Latin America: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, and several other countries.

Asia: India, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, and more.

Europe: Finland, Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and other poker-friendly nations.

Countries and Regions Allow list :

DZ: Algeria 🇩🇿

AD: Andorra 🇦🇩

AI: Anguilla 🇦🇮

AQ: Antarctica 🇦🇶

AG: Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬

AR: Argentina 🇦🇷

AZ: Azerbaijan 🇦🇿

BS: Bahamas 🇧🇸

BH: Bahrain 🇧🇭

BD: Bangladesh 🇧🇩

BB: Barbados 🇧🇧

BZ: Belize 🇧🇿

BJ: Benin 🇧🇯

BM: Bermuda 🇧🇲

BT: Bhutan 🇧🇹

BO: Bolivia 🇧🇴

BA: Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦

BW: Botswana 🇧🇼

BV: Bouvet Island 🇧🇻

BR: Brazil 🇧🇷

IO: British Indian Ocean Territory 🇮🇴

BN: Brunei 🇧🇳

BI: Burundi 🇧🇮

CV: Cabo Verde 🇨🇻

CA: Canada 🇨🇦

TD: Chad 🇹🇩

CL: Chile 🇨🇱

KM: Comoros 🇰🇲

CK: Cook Islands 🇨🇰

CR: Costa Rica 🇨🇷

CI: Côte d’Ivoire 🇨🇮

HR: Croatia 🇭🇷

DJ: Djibouti 🇩🇯

DM: Dominica 🇩🇲

DO: Dominican Republic 🇩🇴

EC: Ecuador 🇪🇨

EG: Egypt 🇪🇬

SV: El Salvador 🇸🇻

SZ: Eswatini 🇸🇿

FK: Falkland Islands 🇫🇰

FO: Faroe Islands 🇫🇴

FJ: Fiji 🇫🇯

FI: Finland 🇫🇮

GA: Gabon 🇬🇦

GM: Gambia 🇬🇲

GE: Georgia 🇬🇪

GH: Ghana 🇬🇭

GL: Greenland 🇬🇱

GD: Grenada 🇬🇩

GT: Guatemala 🇬🇹

GG: Guernsey 🇬🇬

GN: Guinea 🇬🇳

GY: Guyana 🇬🇾

HM: Heard Island and McDonald Islands 🇭🇲

HN: Honduras 🇭🇳

HK: Hong Kong 🇭🇰

IS: Iceland 🇮🇸

IN: India 🇮🇳

ID: Indonesia 🇮🇩

IE: Ireland 🇮🇪

IM: Isle of Man 🇮🇲

JE: Jersey 🇯🇪

KZ: Kazakhstan 🇰🇿

KI: Kiribati 🇰🇮

KW: Kuwait 🇰🇼

KG: Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬

LA: Laos 🇱🇦

LR: Liberia 🇱🇷

LI: Liechtenstein 🇱🇮

LU: Luxembourg 🇱🇺

MO: Macao 🇲🇴

MW: Malawi 🇲🇼

MY: Malaysia 🇲🇾

MV: Maldives 🇲🇻

MH: Marshall Islands 🇲🇭

MR: Mauritania 🇲🇦

MU: Mauritius 🇲🇺

FM: Micronesia 🇫🇲

MD: Moldova 🇲🇩

MC: Monaco 🇲🇨

MN: Mongolia 🇲🇳

ME: Montenegro 🇲🇪

MS: Montserrat 🇲🇸

NA: Namibia 🇳🇦

NR: Nauru 🇳🇷

NZ: New Zealand 🇳🇿

NU: Niue 🇳🇺

MK: North Macedonia 🇲🇰

NO: Norway 🇳🇴

OM: Oman 🇴🇲

PW: Palau 🇵🇼

PS: Palestine 🇵🇸

PG: Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬

PY: Paraguay 🇵🇾

PN: Pitcairn Islands 🇵🇳

PL: Poland 🇵🇱

QA: Qatar 🇶🇦

RW: Rwanda 🇷🇼

SH: Saint Helena 🇸🇭

KN: Saint Kitts and Nevis 🇰🇳

LC: Saint Lucia 🇱🇨

VC: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 🇻🇨

WS: Samoa 🇼🇸

SM: San Marino 🇸🇲

ST: São Tomé and Príncipe 🇸🇹

SA: Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦

RS: Serbia 🇷🇸

SC: Seychelles 🇸🇨

SL: Sierra Leone 🇸🇱

SI: Slovenia 🇸🇮

SB: Solomon Islands 🇸🇧

ZA: South Africa 🇿🇦

GS: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 🇬🇸

LK: Sri Lanka 🇱🇰

SR: Suriname 🇸🇷

SJ: Svalbard and Jan Mayen 🇸🇯

TJ: Tajikistan 🇹🇯

TH: Thailand 🇹🇭

TL: Timor-Leste 🇹🇱

TG: Togo 🇹🇬

TK: Tokelau 🇹🇰

TO: Tonga 🇹🇴

TT: Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹

TN: Tunisia 🇹🇳

TM: Turkmenistan 🇹🇲

TC: Turks and Caicos Islands 🇹🇨

TV: Tuvalu 🇹🇻

UY: Uruguay 🇺🇾

UZ: Uzbekistan 🇺🇿

VE: Venezuela 🇻🇪

VN: Vietnam 🇻🇳

EH: Western Sahara 🇪🇭

ZM: Zambia 🇿🇲

PA: Panama 🇵🇦

TW: Taiwan 🇹🇼

AX: Åland Islands 🇦🇽

Restricted Countries

WPT Global does not operate in the following countries:

United States

United Kingdom




Czech Republic



These restrictions are primarily due to regulatory frameworks that either prohibit online gambling or have specific licensing requirements that WPT Global does not meet in these jurisdictions

If you are located in a country that allows access to WPT Global, you can easily register and start playing by downloading their software on your device. Players from regions like Brazil and parts of Asia will find it particularly accessible, while those in the U.S. and U.K. will need to look for alternative platforms.

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